Petersen Tegl since 1791 - short intro
Petersen Tegl since 1791 - short intro

Since 1791


Petersen Tegl is a Danish, family-owned brickworks which manufactures and sells bricks with emphasis on excellent craftsmanship.

Our production is inspired by the oldfashioned way of making bricks and thus presents a range of waterstruck bricks in vibrant colours and pale and dark shades. More than half of Petersen Tegl’s range consists of 100% handmade products, including the world-famous Kolumba™. Petersen Cover™, also 100% handmade, is a tile product developed for covering roofs and facades.

Manufacture of brick for special assignments is a key business area in which the brickworks work closely with architects and construction clients. 

Petersen Tegl was founded in 1791 and has been run by the same family in a direct line ever since. Today, the brickworks exports its products around the world, including the USA, Japan, Australia, India and numerous European countries.

Join brickworks owner Christian A. Petersen on his daily tour through the production at the brickworks - PHOTO SERIES >


On 17 May 1791, King Christian VII gave smallholder Peter Andresen permission to run a brickworks at Nybøl Nor. Already the owner of a small farm at the place, Peter Andresen became the first brick maker in the Petersen family The brickworks is now run by Christian A. Petersen and his daughters, the seventh and eighth generation in a direct line. The 6.5 km² large Nybøl Nor was then, as now, ideal for brickwork industry.

The coastline of the cove had rich glacial clay deposits, and the cove had a direct navigable connection to Flensborg Fjord. Back in the 1700s, several brickworks lay side by side. With about 50 brickworks, the concentration was then the largest in Northern Europe. Today, six brickworks remain. From being a local brickworks founded more than 230 years ago, Petersen Tegl has developed into a highly specialised company with global exports. Developments have been – and still are – achieved in cooperation with architects from all over the world.


When visiting you will see that all bricks are produced at Nybøl Nor - the machinemade as well as the handmade ones, such as the Kolumba brick. You are also visiting a family that has lived and manufactured brick at the same place for nearly 230 years.

Photographer Anders Sune Berg has portrayed the brickworks in a series of pictures - see the gallery below:
