210 West 77th Street
Location: Manhattan, NYC
Architect: Thomas Juul-Hansen
Finished: 2017
Photos: Dean Kaufman
Petersen Magazine: Petersen 48
Products: K54
Categories: Housing projects
Two Ten West 77 is an 18-storey residential tower on 77th Street, between Amsterdam Avenue and Broadway, at the heart of the Upper West Side. It contains 25 luxury condominiums. Although unmistakably modern, the tower is built in brick like the 100-year-old buildings nearby.
The large volume, the upper floors of which are set back, has central sections almost the entire height of the building, with large glass surfaces facing out onto recessed balconies on every floor. Glass and anodised aluminium sections on the façade are framed by brick pillars rising from street level all the way up to a horizontal lintel just below the roof. The brickwork consists of Kolumba with a sweeping play of colours in brownish shades that harmoniously match the dark colour of the metal.