Why build with bricks?
No man-made building material lasts as long as brick. Bricks are strong and require no maintenance - only the joints need attention once in while. Bricks show a beautiful patina throughout their lifespan, as our many buildings from the Middle Ages and later periods proves to us.
When a brick building reaches the end of it's life, the brickwork can be taken apart and dismantled and reused in other building or construction projects.
Brief outlined, here are some of the good reasons to build with bricks.
- Bricks consist of 100% natural raw materials
- Bricks have no harmful impact on nature when extracted
- Brick production is close to raw material deposits
- Bricks have very low energy consumption and emissions measured over their lifetime
- Bricks are maintenance-free
- Bricks are cheap to purchase in relation to their durability
- Bricks can be recycled
- Bricks do not contain harmful gases
- Bricks are fire-resistant
- Bricks have good sound insulation properties
- Bricks are heat-regulating
- Bricks contribute to a healthy indoor climate
- Bricks have a very long lifespan – the oldest existing brick building date back to 1250 BC
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