
Brick production and Green Transition

We have known about the production of fired bricks for several thousand years. It is said that the legendary Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built of fired bricks, but in Iran there are houses built in fired bricks that date back to 1250 BC. Today, at Petersen Tegl, we basically produce bricks according to the same principles, but since ancient times the techniques have of course become more modern and cleaner - and the quality has improved too.

Below you can read about our production.

When clay is extracted, the topsoil is moved aside and as the raw material is extracted. Then the soil is put back again for the field to be used for farming or other purposes. Usually, there are no visible signs that clay has been extracted from an area, except that the field may be one or two metres lower than before. The extraction process does not negatively affect the soil or groundwater.

50% of the clay is sourced in the local area.

At Petersen Tegl, we have no waste. Our rejected bricks are recycled, both fired and unfired. Our classic bricks, the D-bricks, have been produced with a drying pocket as standard for 40 years. The pocket is a recess in the underside of the brick, which reduces the consumption of clay, drying time, firing time and eventually weight, this being important in terms of shipping to a construction site.

We also recycle all process water and have since 2015 reduced water consumption in the production by approx. 75%.

Electricity for our production is sourced from a solar park that we own via a PPA agreement

Before bricks are fired they need to be dried, which takes place in drying chambers and is done 100 % with surplus heat from our kiln. The drying process itself is optimized, which has significantly reduced the energy consumption.

During 2025, a new drying plant will be built established at the Kolumba™ production, providing optimized energy efficiency

In order to achieve their high durability bricks need to be fired, which is energy intensive. That is why Petersen Tegl is conducting targeted tests with green fuels to explore new possibilities. Already today, the gas-produced bricks can be offered delivered fired with biogas via a certificate scheme.

In the production, we have continuously been optimizing production in recent years. In 2021 we could start up a new particle filter on the D-brick production followed by an optimization of our tunnel kiln. Adding to this, the natural gas in our kilns is gradually being replaced by biogas.

Like our production, the brickworks' buildings are continuously being renovated and upgraded to a modern level. Walls and roofs are insulated, lighting is replaced with LED and doors, windows and gates are replaced with new ones of higher standard.


Read our commitment to the green transition >

Read about the many good reasons to build with bricks >